PowerShell 연산자
PowerShell을 자주 사용하지 않다보니... 연산자를 사용해야 할 때마다 검색을 해야 하는 불편함이 있어서...
비교 연산자
-eq Equal
-ne Not equal
-ge Greater than or equal
-gt Greater than
-lt Less than
-le Less than or equal
-like Wildcard comparison
-notlike Wildcard comparison
-match Regular expression comparison
-notmatch Regular expression comparison
-replace Replace operator
-contains Containment operator
-notcontains Containment operator
-shl Shift bits left (PowerShell 3.0)
-shr Shift bits right – preserves sign for signed values.(PowerShell 3.0)
-in Like –contains, but with the operands reversed.(PowerShell 3.0)
-notin Like –notcontains, but with the operands reversed.(PowerShell 3.0)
-is Is of a type
-isnot Is not of a type
-as As a type, no error if conversion fails
Logical operators
-and Logical And
-or Logical Or
-not logical not
! logical not
Bitwise operators
-band Bitwise and
-bor Bitwise or